So it's been nearly a year since I used void, since I used Linux at all. Naturally, I forgot a lot of stuff.
The philosophy here is to do as minimal an install as possible and build
The system up from there.
After the initial install, which an ncurses based process, I had to figure out what graphic driver to use. I know I have an AMD graphics card installed, so I did:

dmesg | grep amd

I get:
[drm] amdgpu kernel modsetting enabled

 I therefore know which driver to install for my graphics card, so I go:

# xbps-install -S xorg-minimal xorg-fonts xterm twm xclock xfree86-video-amdgpu

I also installed git, vim, mlocate, i3-gaps, feh, xrandr, arandr, xprop, xrv-tunicode, base-devel, irssi, gimp, cmus, rtorrent

# xbps-install -S git, vim, mlocate, i3-gaps, feh, xrandr, arandr, xprop, xrv-tunicode base-devel irssi gimp, cmus, rtorrent.
Briefly what I installed was:

Package Function
xorg-minimal Contains the Xorg server, input drivers and a few additional utilities.
xorg-fonts Basic font files and font encoding utilities
xterm Terminal emulator
twm Basic window manager for Xorg
xclock Clock application for twm
xfree86-video-amdgpu AMD video driver
git Source code cotrol
vim Powerful text based editor
mlocate location db and lookup
i3-gaps Fork of i3 tiling window manager thatyallows for gaps in between windows and workspaces
feh Simple image viewer
xprop Utility for displaying window and font properties in an X server.
xrandr Used to set the size, orientation and/or reflection of the outputs for a screen. It can aslo set the screen size.
arandr A visual front end for xrandr
xrvt-tunicode Another terminal emulator
base-devel Gnu compiler and associated development utilities
irssi IRC chat client
gimp Image manipulation program
cmus Text based music player
rtorrent Text based bittorrent client

Now I am good to go, I just need to configure X Server, and the i3 window manager.