Desktop hopping, and settling on fluxbox....for now.
Configuring my Linux Firewall
Getting into Qt framework: Qbs config
Formatting Mounting and Auto mounting
Bash 101 looping over a set of files
Audio setup in Void linux
Void Linux install, Recap
Back using Linux yayyy!!!
I had to install Windows 10 uuuhhhhh.....
reverting to the BASH shell
Vim Setup : Vundle
i3 Window Manager Setup
Fonts were sketchy after install....
Void is up and running, had a few minor tweaks to sort out
I've decided to switch Linux Distro to Void Linux.
Starting Again.....4th or 5th go....
Welcome to Jekyll!
Debian is Free Software....sort of
Git Part 1: Setting up my Shell
A Makefile for simple projects
conio.h for linux
holding the execution window open
Operator Order Of Precedcence in C++
Developing C/C++ code at the command line: Part 2
Developing C/C++ code at the command line: Part 1
Removing Bluetooth
Tango, didn't last long
Goodbye Gentoo, Hello Tango Studio
Mounting, Unmounting
Configuring Git, Cloning a Fork
make menuconfig doesn't work
List the Block devices attached to the system
Updating the System
Two handy little tools
Users and Groups
Google Commandline
lspci, lsusb
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